Saturday, October 4, 2008

Win Back Love - Not Too Fast!

Win back love...

Is that what you really want to do?

Of course it depends on what got you here - that is, the events in your ex relationship that caused the breakup.

One dictionary meaning for the word relationship could be re-stated as "an emotional connection with someone".

So your broken relationship is actually the breaking of the emotional connection with either your spouse or lover, and it usually is very painful.

You’re probably saying, “Boy, that’s an understatement”!

It takes more than one for a relationship to exist in the first place, so if you're looking for a plan to win back your love, it's important to accept the fact that the two of you actually did contribute to your breakup.

The first thing you must do to get your win back love plan on track, is to take that honest, but maybe painful examination of yourself, looking for habits, or personality traits, as we like to call them, that may have contributed to your breakup.

Remember back to the beginning days of your relationship, when you were both "discovering" each other?

Start with how it was, to be separated even for a short time…did you find yourself thinking about him or her over and over throughout the day? Was it difficult concentrating on school or work for “day-dreaming” about them? You would anxiously wait until you could be with them again.

Did it change? When?

There’s an old phrase I haven’t heard in a while that goes, “Familiarity breeds contempt”. I know you’d resist admitting that you held contempt for your ex, at least before the breakup, but did your relationship become one of taking one another for granted in one or more areas?

Have you just grown to “assume” the other’s love would continue without adding any emotional value to it?

Yes, emotions do have value – they can’t be separated out of a love relationship.

A broken relationship is as individual as the two involved, and the thought process needs to be done when you are mentally fresh and are capable of looking at it with some objectivity.

It’s sometimes difficult to do this, so it’s important to not go rushing right into attempts to reconcile with your ex.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Getting Ex Back

Getting ex back, whether that "ex" is (or was) a girlfriend, boyfriend, wife or husband, is a common concern and activity of many today.

So if you're here because you feel trapped and confused by your own situation, and are scouring the internet for a solution, rest assured in this.

You are not alone, and...

Help is here!

The process of reversing the "broken relationship mess" you find yourself in, can only begin by you taking an honest, if not somewhat painful, look at "what got you here" and then following a plan of getting ex back.

Believe it or not, restoring your relationship is possible, and it may be easier than you think.

Every situation is different though, and your success will depend on your determination to succeed and your willingness to change those areas in your life that may have contributed to your broken relationship.